Important Message from Teen Challenge Monterey Bay

Important message from Teen Challenge Monterey Bay
Dear Teen Challenge Monterey Bay Family and Supporters,
In light of the current COVID-19 crisis, the Teen Challenge Monterey Bay (TCMB) family has fallen on desperate times. Up until this year, TCMB has been able to self-support through enterprises, event services, work calls, and donations from local stores. As a result of the COVID-19 “Shelter in Place” order, all enterprises and event services have been shut down.
We are asking for help and support from our TCMB family and supporters. Any help is greatly appreciated. Your donation will provide food, shelter, and emergency services to an underserved community and allow our centers to continue to operate at capacity. Through this crisis, the Pajaro Rescue Mission has kept its doors open and continues to feed the underprivileged every day and night. Your donation will help keep all of our centers open during this time. Our centers include: The Pajaro Rescue Mission, The Joseph Family House, The Pajaro Men’s Center, The Freedom Women’s Center, Freedom Family House, Coast Counties Teen Challenge, Sierra Pacific Teen Challenge, and High Desert Adult and Teen Challenge.
TCMB is a long-term residential program and we serve men, women, and children with life-controlling issues. TCMB does not receive any government funding. We earn approximately 90% of our budget through work projects and enterprises, where our students learn skills and how to support themselves upon the completion of their program.
We do not charge our students anything; their program is completely free.
All donations sent to our center are tax-deductible. Please know that by supporting us in this time you are partnering with us as we continue to save lives and support the underprivileged.
Please make checks payable to Teen Challenge Monterey Bay/TCMB and mail directly to:
Teen Challenge Monterey Bay
P.O. Box 1807
Watsonville, Ca 95077
or click on this link to donate via our website
Forever in His Service,
Mike Borden
Executive Director
Teen Challenge Monterey Bay is a non-profit, Christian 501(c)(3) organization, tax ID#77-0151684. Gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal and State income tax purposes, as allowed by tax regulations.