Meet Our Missionaries

The TCMB Staff
You can donate right now by making a credit card payment online or you can mail checks or money orders to Teen Challenge, P.O. Box 1807, Watsonville, CA 95077. All missionary support gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes, and in California for state income tax purposes.
mikeExecutive Director: Mike Borden Saved at an early age with a clear calling to serve God, I spent the first twenty years as a less than dedicated Christian. God, always faithful, used that time to mold and shape me with a wide variety of skills and experience. A wartime veteran (U.S. Navy) 1970-1975, U. S. Forest Service 1975-1981 and a career in environmental management and engineering 1982-1993 are just a few of the opportunities God has blessed me with. Since 1985 I have served in ministry and served on several Christian Boards with both evangelistic and educational ministries. I have been in full time ministry for over 20 years serving first with CityTeam Ministries and now as the Executive Director of Teen Challenge Monterey Bay. I have been happily married for over 44 years and have 3 children and 3 grandchildren.
lpFWC Chaplain: Lynn Pielenz I was born in Kentucky, but was raised a “Valley Girl” – Sacramento Valley, that is. I was born again through camping ministry in Jr. High. At High School age I had my first experience volunteering at a rescue mission putting on Gospel services for the needy. This led, years later, to full time work with several California Rescue Missions, the last being Pajaro Rescue Mission where my husband and I have served for over 21 years. Under the Lord’s direction, I now serve full time with the Freedom Women’s Center as Chaplain, Educational Coordinator and teacher. My cup runneth over!
fbCrisis Center Supervisor: Fredrick Burns After years of substance abuse, I committed my life to God. I decided I was through with the life I was leading. I have now been clean and sober for for over 11 years as of September 2010. God has called me to Teen Challenge and blessed me to be a blessing by placing me in a leadership position at the Pajaro Men’s Induction Center.
jlProgram Support: Randy Mitchell  It’s been a great ride! And it is truly a great honor to be a witness to what God is doing in the lives of these wonderful men, it’s such a pleasure to be a part of all we do.
Assistant Program Director:  Cameron McGee  My name is Cameron I am 28 years old. I struggled with a heavy addiction of Oxycontin and pain medication since the age of 13. My addictions brought me to a very dark and sad place in my life. I came to Teen Challenge in October of 2015 and found the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.
jlProgram Director: Peter Ecksteen Born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, an ordained minister and leader of people. He has served in so many ways for 12 years at his home Church in California, where he currently reside with his beautiful family. He continues to answer the call and follow the Holy Spirit with God’s chosen at Teen Challenge Monterey Bay. He will continue to travel the world teaching and bringing encouragement, while sharing the gift of praise and worship to those that desire to come closer to the Lord in an intimate way. Love God. Love people. Make the dream a reality. The Lord is working it out for him and he will live to talk about it.
House Manager Intern: Michael Michel After an internship in the Induction Center, I now work with the Long Term students as their PM House Manager.This position has brought much peace to my life. What a gift GOD has given me! What a blessing to be here. Thank you for your prayers and support.
hrElder: Henry Reynolds I came into the program as a student in February of 1998. I could list numerous items of why I came into the program, but they all add up to the sin in my life. I came to know Jesus Christ as my personal Savior during my stay as a student. The Lord also led me to stay on as a servant to Him, in the capacity of a staff member, as I continue to do His will and not my own. I personally thank all of you who continue to support our ministry and students. God bless you all.
ncBusiness Manager: Nancy Cahill In 1996 I asked Jesus to become my Lord and Savior. In addition, I gave Him Lordship over my life. Since that time, my walk with the Lord has been a marathon run. The Lord met me right where I was. He showed me I was precious and a child of His. The events and circumstances in our lives are for a purpose – His purpose. It has been my experience that people who use drugs and alcohol are numbing the pain and attempting to escape their feelings. Jesus Christ has given me hope and healed me. He has shown me how to share the freedom that is in Christ with others – and called me here to Teen Challenge Monterey Bay.
RBNight Security: Royal Burchell It was the sovereignty of God that took me to Teen Challenge where I learned my church life would not take away my guilt. I needed to experience the power of God’s love. God told me He loved me with 100% of love 100% of the time and nothing would ever change that. God has empowered me to be a witness for Him here at Teen Challenge. God has shown me there are no coincidences.
